Joey, a sixth-grader from Villaggio on Route 66 in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., has big dreams for his future. Through Hope through Housing’s Building Bright Futures initiative, Joey attends the after-school program where he lives and receives encouragement, mentoring and academic support to help build his confidence and self-esteem. Joey loves school, studies hard and receives good grades. His parents never have to fuss at him to do his homework. He already is thinking of college and would like to attend Harvard after he graduates from high school.

Joey has not quite decided on a career, after all, he is only in sixth grade. He has thought about becoming a chef because he enjoys spending time with his mother in the kitchen cooking. Mexican food is his favorite. However, a recent soccer camp held at Villaggio by the professional indoor soccer team, the Ontario Fury, has made him consider the possibility of becoming a professional soccer player.

No matter what he decides, Joey is well on his way. Hope through Housing’s Building Bright Futures initiative is there to help Joey discover that anything is possible and to provide him with the tools and resources he needs to pursue his dreams. The possibilities are truly endless when you give hope!

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